Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 2

So things have been beyond crazy for me lately.  Big announcements will be coming soon so watch for them! 

This was week 2 in the 52 week challenge and the theme was "Illustrate a Song".  I was trying to think of a "cool" song to illustrate and a very artistic way to do so but nothing was coming to mind, probably had something to do with the craziness going on right now.  My mom came down for a visit and yesterday I walked by the guest bathroom and saw her getting ready and it reminded me of "Material Girl" by Madonna.  Disclaimer- I do NOT think my mom is a "Material Girl", that's just what came to mind.  Sorry, Mom!  :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to my brand new blog and Week 1 of my 52 Week Challenge!

Hello!!  I'm so glad you came to check out my new blog.  I'm learning how to make it all fancy-schmancy so in between keeping up with household chores, cooking dinner, impromptu dance sessions with the kids, and the rare bubble bath and glass of wine, I'll try to learn how to make it cute.  Until then, don't judge! 

I have decided to attempt a 52 week challenge.  You take and post a photo once a week that corresponds to the theme for that week.  Last week's theme was something around your house.  I really did take this photos during that week but am just now posting it.  Yes, I may have issues keeping up with this so feel free to harass me to get each week done! 

Thank you for taking the time to check out my first blog post.